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The UNICEF Internship Programme: make a positive impact for disadvantaged youth

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Deadline: each department has different deadlines | Apply here
Eligibility: students and recent graduates
Price: monthly stipend from UNICEF

Are you a student or a recent graduate willing to gain a meaningful internship experience? 

Join UNICEF in fighting for a better life for the least advantaged children.

The UNICEF Internship Programme offers global opportunities in the humanitarian sector.

As an intern, you will gain hands-on experience supporting your academic, professional, and personal development.

The Programme usually runs between six and twenty-six weeks in a full or part-time capacity, depending on the position. A full list of vacancies is available here, with more added once they become available.

Eligibility for the programme

The UNICEF Internship Programme invites students and recent graduates from diverse academic backgrounds who meet the following requirements:

Any professional experience relevant to the post you are applying to will be considered.

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UNICEF provides Interns with a monthly stipend, and the possibility to gain a partial refund towards travel and visa costs.

Should you require any help during Visa application UNICEF provides the required documents.

Check out Internship opportunities and start creating your profile for the application. UNICEF offers support in getting your dream job via these application tips.

Interested in applying for the UNICEF Internship Programme? Register your participation by following the registration link and taking the suggested steps.

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