Deadline: July 15, 2020 23:59 GMT+0800| Apply here
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Eligibility: Everyone around the world are welcomed to participate individually or as a group (each group is limited to five members) with one member as the main correspondent. Entries must be original creations of the contestants completed after June 30, 2018.

Taipei International Design Award 2020

Taipei City Government organizes the Taipei International Design Award in the ethos of “Design for Adaptive City”, as an on-going gesture to the world, particularly to those with a passion for creativeness and design, a gesture in projecting the urban branding imagery of “Design Taipei; Dream Taipei”.

Design Taipei; Dream Taipei

Here is an open call for outstanding international designs and an effort to shape Taipei into a convergence platform for creative designs, thereby to discover creative designs with business potential, and further still, to encourage practices of social design in advocacy that design as a medium can bring humans a better, more pleasant and convenient life.

Taipei City Government has been devoted to shaping Taipei into a city with design visions and has been encouraging designers to see design as a problem-solving tool, that is, to contemplate on the meaning of design to solve problems inevitably faced by the general public and society, and to promote a sustainable city, further presenting Taipei International Design Award in the ethos of “Design for Adaptive City.”


Entries are grouped into three main categories:

  • Industrial design: refers to design works that can be mass-produced, including general and digital application, transportation tools, equipment and instruments, daily utilities and household goods, IT and home appliances, etc.
  • Visual communication design: includes designs of digital graphic creations, identity, posters, packaging and printing.
  • Public space design: Open space provided for public use, government buildings, and private establishments that are partially provided for public use.


The total amount for cash prizes is 3.8 million NTD (approximately equal to 122,580USD, subject to current exchange rates).

  • Taipei City Mayor Award – NTD 600,000
  • Golden Award NTD 500,000
  • Silver Award NTD 200,000
  • Bronze Award NTD 150,000
  • ico-D Excellence Award NTD10,000
  • IFI Special Award NTD10,000
  • WDO Sustainability Award NTD10,000
  • Advanced Application Award NTD240,000
  • Circular Design Award NTD100,000
  • Social Design Award NTD100,000
  • Judges’ Special Award NTD 10,000
  • People’s Choice Award NTD 10,000

Interested in applying for the Taipei International Design Award 2020? Register your participation by following the registration link and taking the suggested steps.

For more opportunities, check our opportunities section and subscribe to our weekly newsletters.


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