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Sustainergies Cup 2016 Sweden

alphagamma the global challenge virtual preliminary 2016

Deadline: January 17, 2016 | Apply here
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Eligibility: active students
Prizes: 3 winning ideas will be awarded with EUR 2,500 each
Location: Stockholm, Sweden

Tackle real-life challenges from organizations who want to become even more sustainable with your good ideas. The competition is presented to you by Sustainergies, the leading platform for companies, students and universities who want to collaborate on sustainability, in Sweden. You will also become a part of our student network when registering to join the competition!

Sustainergies – creating innovative sustainability solutions and meaningful careers. They are the premier platform for industry, academia and students to collaborate on sustainability.

Sustainergies Cup 2016 Sweden

Eligibility:  You can compete regardless of where you live or what you study. Any active student can compete, no matter if you study engineering, sustainability, public relations, or anything else! You can compete individually or with a team. ScaniaBillerudKorsnäs and Trafikverket want your ideas and will reward three winning solutions with 25,000 SEK each (2,500 euros)! Solve one or more cases to compete.

Solutions may consist of text, images, graphics, movies or other digital formats. Irrespectively of how you design your solution may it not exceed a comparable length of 3,000 words. If you have videos and other material that cannot be uploaded, instead upload a text file which clearly specifies how to access the material. Your solution can be in English or Swedish.

This is not your academic paper, so this is your chance to be creative!

You must register to the competition to download the complete case descriptions and participate online. The registration is not binding and you will get personal feedback if you submit a draft before December 20. The price ceremony will be held in Stockholm, Sweden, in February 2016.

Please check the FAQs here

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