Deadline: October 1, 2024 23:59 GMT+0100 | Apply here
Eligibility: non-profit organizations, including NGOs, universities, and research institutes worldwide

Are you looking to preserve oceans through innovative research and action? Are you missing appropriate funding for your project?

Join Pure Ocean in driving forward science-based solutions to protect fragile marine ecosystems and biodiversity, and gain the help you need to move forward with your project.

Pure Ocean Challenges 2025

Pure Ocean Challenges mission aligns with the United Nations’ Ocean Decade Challenges, focusing on the following four priority themes:

  • Understanding and combating marine pollution and its origins
  • Protecting and restoring marine biodiversity
  • Strengthening ecosystem resilience and those depended on them in the face of climate change
  • Advancing oceanic knowledge and research

This year, particular focus will be placed on projects that:

  • Develop conservation initiatives managed by local communities or indigenous peoples.
  • Explore nature-based solutions for the preservation of blue carbon ecosystems.
  • Operate in key regions, including the French littoral, Middle East/Asia, and African coasts.


Selected projects will receive up to €40,000 per year, with an average grant of €25,000 per year, for a duration of one to two years.

Exceptional projects may receive a two-year grant of up to €80,000, with the possibility of renewal.

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To be eligible projects must address one or more of the four Pure Ocean Challenges, and meet the following criteria:

  • Come from non-profit organizations, including NGOs, universities, and research institutes worldwide.
  • Must demonstrate collaboration, with a preference for multi-stakeholder or interdisciplinary approaches.
  • Should include co-financing opportunities and an operational budget in case Pure Ocean does not cover the full requested amount.

Evaluation criteria for projects

Projects will be evaluated on their impact and the lasting benefits in the context of one or more of the Pure Ocean Challenges.

The Pure Ocean Scientific Committee will rank proposals based on five equally weighted criteria:

Innovation: A novel approach (technological, social, nature-based, or exploratory).
Relevance: Clear alignment with Pure Ocean Challenges.
Consistency: Well-defined objectives and achievable outcomes.
Collaboration: Involvement of multiple stakeholders, with local players deeply engaged.
Multiplication: A plan for disseminating results and engaging various audiences.

Interested in applying for the Pure Ocean Challenges 2025? Register your participation by following the registration link and taking the suggested steps.

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