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Open Applications for the MIF Research Fellowship in Japan

AlphaGamma MIF Fellowship entrepreneurship finance opportunity

Deadline: June 30, 2024 23:59 GMT+0900
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| To apply, submit your entry via email 
Eligibility: non-Japanese Ph.D holders below 45 years of age

Are you a non-Japanese researcher with a Ph.D. looking for a new place to work on your project? If so, the Matsumae International Foundation (MIF) offers a Japanese-based Fellowship where you can collaborate with your chosen host institution.

The MIF Research Fellowship’s main purpose is to support young researchers passionate about addressing environmental, social, and related issues in their home countries. Furthermore, in alignment with the MIF founder’s principles, fellows are free from restrictions based on their country of origin and are free to select their host institutions and choose their research subjects with their host professors.

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MIF Research Fellowship 2025

The Fellowship applicants can choose any university, national research institution, or equivalent facility in the private sector in Japan. Regarding research fields, priority is given to natural science, engineering, and medicine. The fellowship lasts for six months between April 2025 and March 2026, and it is up to you to inform MIF of your chosen dates. However, acceptance from the host institution is required before applying.

Additionally, the program includes a study tour during the fellows’ research stays. A visit to the Hiroshima Peace Memorial Museum is a highlight of the tour, inspired by Dr. MATSUMAE’s experience witnessing Hiroshima after the atomic bombing of August 6, 1945. He led an investigative committee there and was profoundly affected by the devastation. The MIF hopes the tour will inspire fellows to expand their compassion globally.

Fellowship Details:

Eligibility requirements for the Fellowship

Applicants of non-Japanese nationality who meet all the following requirements are eligible to submit their application: 

Application Procedure

Submit your application documents via email to before June 30, 2024 (Japan Standard Time). Here is a list of what you need to include in your application:

Interested in applying for the Research Fellowship by the MIF? Register your participation by sending an email.

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