Deadline: June 1, 2024 23:59 MDT
[Oops, the opportunity has already expired. Sign up to AlphaGamma weekly newsletters to stay ahead of the game]| Apply here
Eligibility: mid-career applicants with a proven track record
Location: Worldwide

If you are one of the doers and know where the world should aim next, this opportunity is for you. Mira Fellowship exists to help you shape, research, test, and formulate your vision into a clear story and a well-thought-out plan.

The program ensures compassionate, actionable visions that encompass all humans.

Moreover, at the end of the program, each Fellow will present their reframed social vision and outline the specific tested steps necessary for implementation, including the simple story of their future and the actions required to achieve it.

About the Mira Fellowship

Over the six months Fellows will have the commitment and support, that will include:

  • Coaching: remote coaching support weekly or every other week 
  • Cohort Meetings: fellows will meet online monthly or bimonthly for check-ins, support, and brainstorming throughout the Fellowship.
  • Cohort Collaboration: Each fellow will be paired with another fellow to provide ongoing thought partnership and accountability.
  • Summits: Fellows will gather for 3 virtual summits (November, February, and April), and an optional in-person community summit (usually in September).
  • Micro-Grants: access to micro-grants for alternative perspectives and immersive work.
  • Testing: live testing of action plans and gathering result data.

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Who can be the Fellow?

Perfect Fellows are already established in their respective fields but need to do more. They must also be observant, flexible, and enjoy working collaboratively with others’ perspectives in mind.

Whether you’ve already decided and wish to know more or have a couple of questions that need answering, here is a Zoom call you could join to find out more.

April Mira Salon – What’s It Like Being a Mira Fellow?

Sign up and meet Mira alumni and current fellows on Friday, April 26, 2024, 9 am-10 am PT.

Interested in applying for the Mira Fellowship? Register your participation by following the registration link and taking the suggested steps.

For more life-changing opportunities, subscribe to our weekly newsletter and follow us on XFacebook, Instagram, and LinkedIn.


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