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ISWinT 2015

alphagamma iswint 2015

Every year Timisoara hosts ISWinT, or the International Student Week in Timisoara.

Although the main topic of the festival changes every year, the essence of the event is to bring together young people from all over the world, aged 18-28 years, who share the drive and the vision of making this place a better world. Students, future entrepreneurs, politicians, or journalists will have the chance to meet for almost two weeks, imagine and envision a better future, travel, and create lasting friendships.

Under the core theme of this year, “Develop Yourself, Design the Future”, participants will have the opportunity to attend one of the available workshops, discuss, plan and grow ideas and projects. Moreover, among the biggest benefits of such a project, I would confidently name the networking possibilities and the ideas exchange with people from all over the world.

The workshops available for this edition are:

  1. Advertising – What is the role that advertising plays in your business and how to make media work in your favour?
  2. Cultural Shock – Intercultural interaction might not always go smoothly. Being aware of stereotypes might help in the beginning but what can you do when things turn sour?
  3. Digital Art – Start your journey through modern graphic design and learn how to transpose an idea into art.
  4. Everybody Lies – Remember the movie What Women Want? It would be fabulous if we could have that superpower of hearing people’s minds. But we don’t. Still, being able to read body language might give us a crucial advantage in a negotiation.
  5. First Aid – Employees are invaluable assets of a company. Learn how to offer immediate medical help to them. Hopefully, they will never need it though.
  6. Gastronomy – Discover the art in food and learn how to cook traditional dishes.
  7. Lobby – Learn how to make your ideas heard and remembered.
  8. Modern Times – Discuss and understand prominent major events that happen around the globe in our times.
  9. Photography – Did you just set your camera on Auto? How would you like an introduction into the art of photography?
  10. Political Ideas – Politics shape entrepreneurship and you feel it most when part of your hard work forcefully goes to the Government.
  11. Project Management – Time, money, teams, resources, plans and deadlines. How to manage a project successfully.
  12. Public Speaking – Great public speakers win appreciation and followers.
  13. Robo-Fun – With the help of qualified people, build your own robot and let your ideas grow.
  14. StartUp – A workshop designed to guide you step by step to creating your business plan.

The summer school lasts for twelve days in July-August, and the participation fee of 120 Euro covers accommodation, three meals a day, materials, city transportation, and access to other events during the festival.

Opportunity summary

ISWinT 2015
International Student Week in Timisoara
Application deadline: May 15, 2015
[Oops, the opportunity has already expired. Sign up to AlphaGamma weekly newsletters to stay ahead of the game]
Dates: August 19-24, 2015
Venue: Timisoara, Romania
Fee: 120 EUR (includes accommodation, 3-meals-a-day plan, materials, city transportation and events).

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