If you haven’t heard the news already I am entering the job market. After 2 and a half years with my current company I got…
The ‘Millennial itch.’
Oh, what’s that?
According to LinkedIn, Millennials will change jobs an average of 3-4 times by their early 30’s. I call that feeling for change the ‘Millennial itch’ and I have it. You may have it too if you find yourself agreeing with any of these statements.
1. “Am I more than a number?”
Millennials get a bad rap for being the most disengaged employees. I would argue it is the lack of purpose in our work. We need to understand that what we do has a bigger impact than ROI.
We also want opportunities to grow and not just promotions. We want training to learn and improve our skills. We long for a company’s investment.
2. “I wish I worked with more like-minded individuals”
Culture is a how a workforce thrives. We want to be on teams that are open to communication and feedback.
Judge us on the outcome of our work and not the hours put into our work
We want to work in a transparent environment where we are empowered.
3. “I wonder what else is out there.”
No one likes the feeling of being ‘stuck’ in a position. If it’s too difficult or there isn’t a clear path of promoting within a company, Millennials are willing to not only change jobs but industries (Gallop Study, 2015).
It’s important to mentor and connect with the Millennial workforce to understand their needs.
What’s my motivation? I’m glad you asked.
No, it wasn’t because I was disengaged and my culture was great! If you follow me on any social platform (see my bio below) you’ll quickly see that I was sold on my companies brand.
Instead, my motivation is the need to explore. I am a recruiter and have had a lot of success, but I am ready to push the boundaries of what I have been doing and source for other companies and industries.
So through my next series of blog posts, I will scratch my Millennial itch. I will share the ups and downs, and what I am learning while on the job market.
Have you had that Millennial itch? I want to know. Leave a comment down below or tweet me @Josewats with #millennialitch.
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