In 2015, the Bureau of Labor Statistics reported that seventy-three percent of human resources managers were women.

How women are recreating the role of human resource manager

That number continues to grow with more women being attracted to this career. Women are reinventing a job position that has been around for as long as have been in existence.

Take a look at why women should continue to dominate in this particular field of work.

Throwing out the traditional employee performance review

Most people are familiar with an employee performance review.

The HR manager goes down a list of job responsibilities. They discuss the employee’s level of success at fulfilling each one.

Today, one thing that many women human resources managers have done is get rid of these traditional employee performance reviews.

Most women HR managers know that a one-size-fits-all performance review is not effective.

Taking the time to look at an employee’s specific responsibilities and how he or she is handling them is more productive and leads to an improved bottom line for a company.

Talking with the employee and getting his or her input on ways to better accomplish goals and fulfill job responsibilities is another thing women HR managers are expert at doing.

Increasing diversity in the workplace

Women HR managers are taking steps to increase the diversity of employees at their company.

They know that a diverse group of workers can only contribute to the overall goals of the business.

They use recruitment strategies designed to reach out to people of different ages, races, genders, religions, etc. Having a diverse group of employees at a company means each worker has unique contributions to make.

Also, when interviewing job candidates, women HR managers know what questions to ask and how to approach someone who has unusual and helpful talents and skills to share in the workplace.

A thorough and efficient interview style can help garner a strong, productive group of employees for a company.

Boosting employee engagement

Female HR managers understand the importance of having an engaged group of employees at a company.
They know that the more an employee feels a part of things, the more productive the person will be.

So, women HR managers are not afraid to get creative when testing out activities to get employees more engaged.

In addition to being more productive, these activities can help to keep employees at the company.

When there is very little turnover at a company, it means less time and money spent training new people and taking the risk that they will search out another workplace.

In short, the owners of companies both large and small appreciate any efforts to retain quality employees.

Pinpointing and utilizing employee’s strengths

After carefully recruiting the most suitable people for the company, a woman HR manager knows how to evaluate each employee’s skills and talents.

This will allow her to use them in the best possible way. She knows simply plugging a new employee into an empty position at the company will not improve the company’s performance.

A new employee who speaks different languages has specialized research skills, has an expert understanding of computer technology, or has excellent communication skills can be put into a position where those skills really help the company.

Taking a little extra time to explore a new employee’s skills can pay off for an up and coming company.

Women HR managers who are willing to take a fresh approach to recruiting, hiring and managing employees are going to continue to be in demand in this field of work.

Owners of businesses, companies, and corporations of all types want to hire an HR manager who knows how to hire and retain quality employees.

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