Deadline: September 3, 2020 00:00 CEST| Apply here
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Eligibility: Startups with relevant traction, product-market-fit and solutions ready to implement
Location: Remote

Smart Open Lisboa 2020

Smart Open Lisboa (SOL) is a startup program focused on the integration of innovative solutions meant to upgrade the citizens’ life.

While the world is facing a major challenge caused by the pandemic virus Covid-19, cities and its citizens wake up for a new reality.

SOL Tomorrow is a fully remote program to deliver fast solutions for specific social and economic challenges that the city of Lisbon, its citizens, and companies have to deal with throughout the months after COVID-19 lockdown. The program aims to quickly implement solutions in the city.

Who should apply?

Smart Open Lisboa is looking for solutions ready to be implemented in the city that focus on the emergency areas of social isolation, mental health, and unemployment, as well as in the recovery areas of tourism, economy and ongoing resilience.

  • Economic & Tourism Recovery: Societies rebuild themselves, even among the unknown. It is crucial for citizens to feel safe and to be able to participate in the social and economical life of the city.
  • New Work Paradigm: As daily behaviours change, so do workplaces and public spaces. Adapting to new routines is mandatory, with the help of innovative solutions.
  • Remote Work & Learning: Remote work & learning has fastly become a reality, bringing technology to the verge of a structural shift.
  • City Resilience & Trust Building: Managing a city and its infrastructures is always demanding, even more when facing big challenges like the ones caused by COVID-19. To assure proper city management, new solutions must be implemented.
  • Social Emergency & Unemployment: Keeping communities and citizens safe and economically stable is a challenge when faced with a global crisis, which makes leveraging on innovative solutions a must.

Interested in applying for the Smart Open Lisboa 2020? Register your participation by following the registration link and taking the suggested steps.

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